On January 6th, the tradition of “Janeiras” returns to Palmela, allowing the population to go out and celebrate the Night of the Three Kings and the New Year, an event organized by the Town Hall along with the Associative Movement.
The parade of the choral groups participating in this initiative will start at 9:00 pm, at the Town Hall, and will pass through the historic centre of town, including Largo Duque de Palmela, Rua Hermenegildo Capelo, Largo do Mercado, the Parish Council and the main building of Grupo dos Amigos do Concelho de Palmela. It will end at Largo de S. João, with a final performance and a time for the people to socialize and share Bolo Rei and Moscatel wine.
Centro Social de Palmela, Palmela’s Grupo 40 of Associação de Escoteiros de Portugal, Grupo de Cantares Modalentejo, Grupo Coral “Ausentes do Alentejo”, Férias Culturais - Passos e Compassos children and youth groups, Sociedade Filarmónica Humanitária, Sociedade Filarmónica Palmelense “Loureiros” and Associação de Idosos de Palmela will participate in “Janeiras 2019”.