

Less than a month before FIG returns!

The expected return of FIG – Festival Internacional de Gigantes (International Festival of Giants) to the streets of the small town of Pinhal Novo, in the municipality of Palmela, will take place from July 5th to July 7th. For three days, “gigantones”, “cabeçudos”, “zés pereiras”, marionettes, traditional masks and giant machines will invade the streets of the small town and delight both children and adults.

This unprecedented festival crosses the traditional arts with the most contemporary expressions of theatre, music and dance, while it is also a privileged space for the dissemination of the art of the “gigantones”, in its traditional component, and of the figures of great proportion in the entertainment universe.

The tenth edition presents a programme that is full of shows and entertainment proposals in these areas, activities addressed to children, handicrafts, “arruadas”, with the traditional figures, and parades with hundreds of participants, where bass drums and bagpipes stand out. Several areas for you to try some regional gastronomy complement the programme.

The Festival is promoted by the Municipality of Palmela, together with its partners Bardoada – Grupo do Sarrafo, ATA - Action Theatrical Artimanha, Acção Teatral Artimanha, Associação Juvenil COI e PIA - Projectos de Intervenção Artística.

FIG is a biennial presence in the cultural calendar of the county and it has already earned its place in the national and European festivals panorama, bearing the EFFE 2019/2020 quality label, which identifies it as an integral part of the EFFE - Europe for Festivals, Festivals for Europe, created by the European Festivals Association. This platform brings together festivals from 45 European countries.

FIG also integrates "Palmela é Música", Palmela's application of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network in the area of ​​Music.
Follow the news about the 10th edition of the Festival at